Back2Nature Wellness and Adventures

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Did you know you can ask the Universe for signs?!

Trusting your intuition is a divine relationship. I’ve been working on trusting my intuition fully the last few years and as a result my relationship with my intuition has gotten stronger.

I’ve struggled with trusting my intuition in the past. The last few years I’ve entered the dating world again, and dating and trusting my intuition was challenged. I found myself questioning my intuition with every date I went on, really wanting my date to be aligning with me. I found myself moulding myself in order for a relationship to work, only for my intuition to highlight for me the misalignment through symptoms with my body or other signs.

So, I took a step back, did some deep inner work, and let go of my attachment and expectations of a relationship. I still took aligned action to date and put myself out there but did so in a more aligned way. I also asked the universe to provide me with a sign when a relationship was aligning and one I should explore more.

Well, did the universe ever deliver! Recently I met an amazing man who shares all the same beliefs, core values and a love for the outdoors in the same way that I do! And, to top it off, he’s a sign technician! The universe heard my request to ask for a sign when a relationship was aligning by providing me with a sign technician

You can do this with anything...sit in quiet contemplation, open up your heart, silence the mind, surrender and ask the universe. Allow yourself to receive. Allow yourself to be gifted the magic and beauty that’s all around you