Mind-Body-Soul Coaching
Explore your Inner Landscape by investigating your belief systems and thought patterns.
Our subconscious belief systems are what dictate our behavior and actions in our external environment. When we allow our limiting subconscious belief systems to run on repeat, we witness ourselves playing out a pattern that may not be in alignment with our heart and soul and direction we are desiring for your life.
It can often be difficult for us to witness our own subconscious patterns, this is where a coach is able to assist and offer insight and guidance for you to increase your self-awareness, investigate your limiting belief systems, and assist you to live a life of empowerment and alignment.
Mind-Body-Soul Coaching
This coaching program is a 3 or 6 month container where you will be seen, heard and witnessed where you are at while also learning tools and gain valuable insight that will elevate you into self-awareness and a higher consciousness.
This coaching program is for you if you’re feeling stuck in patterns, out of alignment or you are going through a transition in your life and are seeking valuable tools that will assist you with co-creating your life from a place of growth, love and compassion.
When you align yourself with your mind-body-soul and commit to a life of growth, you bring in the magic of synchronicities, consciousness and the perspective that life is happening for you, whether you are going through re-direction or an elevation, we are here to support and allow you to thrive!
Meet Kyla
Hi! Thanks for visiting this page and leaning into your curiosity!
I’d like to tell you a bit about myself! I’ve been diving into the realm of self-discovery, self-development and self-awareness for the past 15 years! I’ve also had this immense love for everyone and this curiosity for what drives people’s behaviors and actions.
If you study astrology, I’m a Scorpio Sun in House 3, Cancer Moon in House 10 and Virgo Rising. The Scorpio Sun in House 3 placement allows me to be a natural detective, really good at diving into the subconscious mind and shadows and use communication to assist with healing. My Cancer Moon allows me to be sensitive to emotions and in touch with the feminine. Virgo Rising encourages me to be of service to this world and share my gifts!
I’ve moved through quite a bit of change in the past few years, as I’m sure we all have! Change can be tough, and I’ve learned that having the tools to navigate change is essential! I have been through my fair share of life altering change, and this change happened in a span of two years. Over the course of two years my big brother passed away suddenly and my marriage dissolved. Both of these events had me feeling paralyzed and like I barely had my head above water!
So, I turned inward and to the tools that I had learned through many mentors, teachers and friends who had turned to consciousness (being aware of your thoughts, emotions and limiting beliefs) when they had encountered similar situations. I had many downs and also many ups along my journey as a result and I have learned so much about myself.
Because I have learned so much about myself and can now see that turning inward and looking at situations from a consciousness perspective can provide so much freedom and love, I am here to offer support to others who are navigating change on their journey.
I have a lifelong passion to help others learn more about themselves and tackle difficult situations in their life from a place of compassion and gratitude. I encourage you to reach out to me if you have any questions or would like to book a discovery call to determine how I may be able to help you with any challenges you may be facing!
With so much love,
Back2Nature Mind-Body-Soul Coaching
Are you feeling like life is happening to you?
What if you could shift your perspective to a place of gratitude and see how life is always happening for you?
Life events and situations that show up in our life are always showing up for us to be able to look at them from a consciousness perspective. What does that mean? When we are able to look at life events and situations through the lens of consciousness, we are able to look at how our own thoughts, emotions and limiting beliefs dictate what shows up in our life.
When we shift our internal environment, our external environment shifts around us!
Back2Nature Mind-Body-Soul Coaching offers you spiritual guidance from a place of love, the power of perspective to be able to look at situations and experiences in your life from a place of empowerment and gratitude. These one-on-one sessions will focus specifically on areas in which you feel stuck and be able to look at them from a consciousness perspective, looking at how mirroring can help you see situations in a new light and how inner work can shift your outer experience.
These sessions will leave you feeling empowered, independent, and loved and cared for.
Back2Nature Mind-Body-Soul Coaching includes:
Six Coaching Sessions
Each coaching session will focus on a specific topic that will allow you to gain life altering perspectives and tailored toward experiences in your life. We will discuss the following, in no specific order, catering to your needs and desires:
Astrology Natal Chart Overview
Kyla will provide you with an Astrology Natal Chart Reading, this will provide you with valuable insight to understand who you area, why you’re here and what you’re meant to be doing here on this Earth. This will allow you to align your life in a way that feels good and feeds your mind, body and soul. Astrology is a self-awareness tool that allows you to look at what is in alignment and what is out of alignment and provides you with insight to guide you forward!
The Power of Perspective
We will explore how the concept of mirroring can be a powerful tool for self-awareness and personal growth. Mirroring refers to how our external environment (relationships, challenges, and circumstances) reflects our internal environment (thoughts, beliefs, and emotions). By becoming aware of this dynamic, you can shift from a reactive state to a proactive state, empowering you to thrive in both personal and professional settings
Mind-Body Connection
We will explore the powerful relationship between the mind and body, uncovering how your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions directly impact physical health, emotional stability, and overall well-being. By understanding this connection, you will gain practical tools to cultivate healthier thought patterns and enhance your mental, emotional, and physical vitality.
Exploring our Emotions and Active Memories
We will explore the profound connection between our emotions, body, and stored memories. You’ll learn how to respond to emotions as they surface, recognizing them as messengers rather than obstacles. Additionally, you’ll dive into the science of active memories - how emotional experiences get stored in the body - and discover tools to release and heal these patterns to foster emotional freedom and well-being.
Learn to be a Medicine Woman/Man - Decoding the Universe and Nurturing Self
We will explore how to listen to the signals from our body and external environment to cultivate deep healing and empowerment. You’ll learn to embody the role of your own medicine woman or man - someone who can identify emotional, physical, and spiritual needs and address them with awareness, intuition, and self-care. The body, like the universe, constantly speaks to us through sensations, symptoms, and synchronicities. By tuning in, we can decode its wisdom, release stored imbalances, and align with greater health and purpose.
We will explore the innate wisdom of our intuition - our inner compass - and how to tune into it to make aligned decisions and navigate life’s challenges. We will also uncover how areas of “stuckness” in our lives can be transformed by shifting our consciousness and perspective, offering new insights and pathways to empowerment.
Investment - $1,500
Pay in Full or Monthly Payments are available:
Two sessions per month for an investment of $500/month for three months
One session per month for an investment of $250/month for six months