Here’s the beautiful message I received from my lights going out!

Do you believe that our outer world is a reflection of our inner world?

I have been studying and living this philosophy for some time now and I've found it very true!

Through my studying of the BodyTalk System and Quantum Physics, our external environment is a reflection of our internal subconscious programs and the way we see ourselves and the world around us.

Here is an example that presented itself to me this past week:

The last few days, the power has been going out in my basement and bathrooms. The lights haven't been working.

I messaged my electrician to see if he was able to come and have a look to problem solve the issue. He penciled me in, and he also suggested that I sit in MindScape and look at what this could be showing me. He provided me with some questions and prompts to start with. P.S.- I have a really great electrician who is self-aware and does daily reflecting himself, we all need one like him!

So, I sat in MindScape and did some journaling to bring awareness to what this was showing me. First, I looked at what the bathrooms and basement represent. To me, the bathrooms are a place that we release and cleanse. The basement is a place where we store things, for me, representing my subconsious mind, where my programs and thoughts stay hidden away. It's not a coincidence that these places have lights that are not working, they are dark and scary to look at. The subconscious mind can be dark and scary to look at, I've kept all of the things I haven't wanted to look at there. Shining a light on these things seems scary and keeping them in the dark feels the safest. Releasing and cleansing the subconscious programs that have kept me safe for so long does not feel comfortable at all, even though I have been doing this for quite a few years. 

The electrician came and he determined that there was a loose connection from expansion and contraction in the breaker box. Whoa, what an awareness for me. Through my own expansion and contraction, I have lost the connection with myself! He even replied, "well it can't be that easy of a fix!" Can it though? Can shining a light on our subconscious programs and expanding and contracting be easy?

When the electrician left, the lights did come on, only to turn off again after he left. So, I'm sitting here, digging a bit more deeper and the electrician is on his way back tomorrow to investigate a bit more, just as I'm doing now!

My electrician also shared with me that even though the lights are on, I may not be able to shine a light directly at what I want it to. And that is pure surrender. To allowing life to unfold in front of me instead of controlling. He also told me that sometimes all I need is to be able to know that I can sit by myself in my own shining, brilliant light as I release, let go and move on from all that I've been holding onto. 

What a beautiful message from the external, thank you!

So, for the next week, my plan is to sit with myself and shine a brilliant light on myself as I release, let go and move on from so many past experiences and emotions that I've been holding onto for a long time. 

These Whisper's of Wisdom are invitations for us to liberate, feel more free and live a life of authenticity!

Did you know that you can do this too? You can look at the things that are showing up in your external environment and interpret them so that you are able to free yourself from your self-imposed limitations and limiting beliefs?

If you'd like to learn more, I'm now taking clients who'd like to learn more about Whisper's of Wisdom and how to identify them and interpret them! Reply and let's connect!

Wishing you all a great week,


I took myself on a date…a solo camping trip!


Magical Mindset Shifts