The Reiki Master Neighbour

My parents live near a reiki master and we’ve crossed paths many times.

He’s been on the land for nearly a century, and we’ve met several times, exchanging our passion for energy work and sessions.

This past weekend I received an energy session from him. The last session I received was a couple years ago, and I was secretly hoping to run into him again, feeling the need for some purging and releasing, an energetic balancing.

The session was powerful, as it always is. Lots of yawning and visions as my body was releasing and recalibrating.

Energy work has a lot to do with trust. Trusting that the body knows what to do, what priorities are ready to shift and what to purge.

He shared with me that I seem different from when we last met a couple years ago. I asked him what he observed, he responded that I seem calmer, more grounded.

And that’s exactly how I’ve been feeling, as I continue to dive into my inner world and unravel and re-program my subconscious mind, I can’t help but feel more grounded and authentic, closer with my soul.

And, at the same time, I also feel this sense of disconnection from my old self, this new way of navigating life. I’m in this phase of processing and shifting into this new way of being. The old still trying to hang on, while the new is trying to emerge.

Has anyone else felt like this?

Like you’re being squeezed through this funnel of transformation and having to leave the old while embodying the new, it’s hella uncomfortable. But, I’m here for it all!

Timelines are shifting and I’m no longer prescribing to old programs and ways of being. I’m learning how to navigate with ease and observation, being tested on whether reverting back is the way to go.

But going back to an old way of being isn’t an option, it feels sticky and heavy. Forward, expanding and onward are the only ways to go, and releasing and surrendering people and things that aren’t in alignment feel both good and uncomfortable.

When we are going through a transformation, our minds will tell us all kinds of stories. Stories about how staying the same is the safest thing to do, staying small and in our comfort zone is the only way forward.

What if we become curious? What if we need to tip toe into transformation? Looking back if we need to, taking a step back and then forward again, testing the waters. Doing so without judgement in the direction we are going.

Tip toe or leap, both are ok and both are necessary.

Where are you desiring to tip toe or leap? Can you give yourself some grace for not yet being there? Can you embody courage for going there?

Life is a dance, and we are all taking the steps we need, maybe a bit more practice is desired, or maybe a bit more leaping is needed!

Wishing you all a great week,


Our Southern Utah Outdoor Adventure


I took myself on a date…a solo camping trip!